Esem - online work in social media and websites

Online – Social and Web

ESEM Studio provides creative and practical solutions for you online presence.

If you are interested my services regarding website and/or social media work, please contact me.

Statement from Stephen Michael. 2024

For over two decades, I have immersed myself in the ever-evolving world of the internet and social media. Currently managing social media for two clients and overseeing three websites, I am truly passionate about my work. Social media involvement, campaigns, and marketing have proven to be extraordinary tools for maintaining communication with clients, customers, and new friends.

My services are grounded in my extensive experience in graphic design and website design. The work I do is not just about creating visually appealing content; it is about building a robust customer base and growing an engaged following. My artistic ethic revolves around two key principles: the content must be suitable for your business, organization, or cause, and it must engage people on a personal level.

This approach cannot be replicated by artificial intelligence or simplistic formulas. Major companies invest significant resources in marketing strategies — focus groups, research, and analysis — to refine the message they communicate. I bring a similar level of creativity, analytical thinking, and sensitivity to my projects. Continuously asking, “Is this working for you?” is crucial to achieving effective communication.

Understanding what your audience wants to see is fundamental. Many businesses mistakenly project what they think will work, instead of what actually resonates with their audience. I bring empathy and insight into both my website and social media work. The adage in graphic and website design is, “It’s not what you like; it’s not what I like – it’s what your audience likes.” This principle is even more critical for social media audiences, where demographic awareness/communication is key. Each platform—whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok—has its unique audience dynamics. My work with both websites and social media management for my clients has significantly increased the number of followers, as well as engagement.

(Note: Google My Business should never be ignored. Feel free to ask me “why?”)

I apply creative sensitivity backed by analysis and research to ensure that your message is effectively communicated to your intended audience. I invite you to contact me for a free one hour consultation about your website and social media presence—to discuss what it is doing, what it can be doing, and what it should be doing.

Some basic rules for social media:

1. Alway maintain brand, with logo and link to your website.

2. Social media posting should be regular, but not too invasive.

3. Video, like reels and a YouTube channel, should be utilized whenever possible.

4. Respond to questions, comments and reviews (think: “Google My Business”) in a timely manner.

5. Be polite, friendly…and respectful.

6. Remember it’s SOCIAL media – communication is a two-way street.

Let’s work together to ensure that your online presence is not only appropriate but also deeply engaging and effective.

If you would like more details, and a conversation about any of the above, please contact me using the Contact Form on this website. I offer a free one-hour consultation to all (potential) new clients. In that consultation, we will discuss your goals and your present situation. That’s the first step, so please contact me. I can give you useful information — for free!

And then… maybe we’ll be working together – for success!

Thank you, from Stephen Michael and esem studio!

Some samples of my work follows below…